Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baking with Pumpkin

[Photo] There is something so comfortable feeling in the fall as the smell of pumpkin and spices cooking. I baked some pumpkin chocolate chip bread and had left over pumpkin so I decided to make some cookies too. They smelled so yummy and the kids love coming home to the smell of something baking. I am keeping this one short since I need to go make some grape jelly out of the juice I was given as a gift for my grapes which will make another yummy smell. I am glad my mom taught me these skills to bless my family with. They enjoy home made more than from the store.Apparently I can't count, I just noticed I only tagged six (can you tell my mind is pretty overwhelmed these days?) So I am adding Bryan P (i'm sure you'll have fun with this, can't wait to read it).

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Denim Bag

Start with and old pair of jeans and cut them into a pair of daisy duke shorts. Unpick the inseam (crotch) and turn inside out. Cut off the edges that curve out so you have made straight sides.
Take and sew the sides to complete the straight line being enclosed for the side of the bag. Use the zig zag or finishing stitch along the bottom and any unfinished side edge to prevent fraying. Turn bag making bottom edge facing up and is now folded angled to the stitch. With the straight stitch on the machine sew across the corner making a triangle. This will allow for the bag to have the flat bottom. Turn bag right side out. At this point attach the finished straps to the bag so that one strap starts and finishes on one side of the bag. (this way the bag lays flat so one strap is only on the front of the bag and the 2nd strap is only on the back of the bag.)

Take the legs of the pants that you cut from the top portion and unpick or cut the seam from the side. I suggest cutting along the seam it is much faster than unpicking and you don't miss the minor fabric that was cut off. Cut in half preserving the length of the denim. Turn each piece so right sides are folded together lenghtwise and sew the long edge using the zig sag to prevent fraying. Then turn denin back so the seam is on the inside, finish the edges with the zig zag and change stitch on machine to do 4 finishing stitches on the straps. You can use a brighter thread for eye pop, or contrast to brighten up the straps also. This is mostly for eye appeal, however it also serves to give a nice flat finished strap.