Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Baking with Pumpkin

[Photo] There is something so comfortable feeling in the fall as the smell of pumpkin and spices cooking. I baked some pumpkin chocolate chip bread and had left over pumpkin so I decided to make some cookies too. They smelled so yummy and the kids love coming home to the smell of something baking. I am keeping this one short since I need to go make some grape jelly out of the juice I was given as a gift for my grapes which will make another yummy smell. I am glad my mom taught me these skills to bless my family with. They enjoy home made more than from the store.Apparently I can't count, I just noticed I only tagged six (can you tell my mind is pretty overwhelmed these days?) So I am adding Bryan P (i'm sure you'll have fun with this, can't wait to read it).

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