Saturday, August 29, 2009

Found this fun idea through the idea room and loved it for its simplicity, but also its adorable finished look. M helped me since it is for her. She picked out the fabric, and ribbons and I sewed some ribbon on ribbon to add more detail. We painted an old frame we had brown, trimmed some left over sheet metal to fit in the frame and got some old padded fabric from an old christmas project for the padding, taped it all together with duct tape and it was that easy. M wasted no time adding her bows once we hung it.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Crochet flower hair clip

Adding ribbon with hot glue to a hair clip makes for a cute easy hair accessory. These can be clipped onto hats, bags, baby headbands and so much more.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

crochet flower

There are so many pattern for flowers online it is almost hard to choose. I recommend looking on Etsy where lots of moms supplement incomes by posting and selling patterns. These were very easy and just minutes to do. You can add them to almost any project you do.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I bought this fabric 2 years ago and made aprons for all of M's friends for Christmas. Of course I left her's until the last and it didn't get done. So I have noticed a lot of you are doing aprons lately so it motivated me to get it done. Of course it took all of a half an hour to do so I am so shamed for not having gotten to it sooner. And it fits perfectly and will work for a few years still. Yay! It is a reversable apron with the floral print for the other side.