Sunday, September 5, 2010

Card Table Play Houses

I had been looking for a playhouse to do for my kids and had seen some in canvas and also had seen one in felt.  I liked the combination of the two.  The canvas gave the durable side I was wanting, but the felt gave the colorful detail I wanted.  So I took an old ice fishing tent my husband had and converted it into 2 playhouses.  I made one more girly, and one more boyish.  I figure they will be good for when my kids have kids too.  They fit over a card table.   My kids love to build forts and I was hoping this would help curb the mess of the blankets being brought out into the living spaces to build their forts. These make a great private place for them to go to read also which is a huge plus.

This was a success and the kids like to play in the new forts.