Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Tip for removing wallpaper paste

Once the wallpaper has been removed from the wall try this tip. You can buy the commercial product or try windex. The vinegar in the windex or other window cleaner helps to dissolve the glue. Take a flat spatula or other scraping tool with a flat edge to scrape the majority of the glue from the wall. Use hot water and clean cloths to remove the final residue.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Teacher appreciation gift

This year I found a cute idea that made a personalized gift out of a useful item. I made a personalized soap dispenser for my kids teachers. It turned out cute and was super easy. So you can see the steps to complete the project pictured above.

1. Get the label off the bottle you choose peel it off then to remove the residue use goo be gone or a similar product.

2. Type up what you want printed on your label and size it according to your bottle and print.

3. Put your printed copy into a copier and make a copy onto transperancy film and be sure to print on the side that is not glossy.

4. Cut to shape and size and leave enough room on the bottom to have the wording high enough in your bottle.

5. Roll up the transperancy film with the words facing the front and slip into mouth of bottle and use the pump stem to push the plastic sheet to the front of the bottle.

6. Tie a ribbon around the bottle and your gift is complete.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Homemade jam

Mmmm Homemade Jam [Photo]
Use the recipe for Freezer Jam on the pectin instructions.

I made some jam yesterday. I had a window of time to make my jam in and after I realized I had no pectin and had to go get some by the time I got back my window was halfway closed. I hurried and was doing two batches at one time and in my haste I forgot about 1 cup sugar from one of the batches. One batch is more jelled than the other, but I am happy to report they taste good and I am not sure which one I left the sugar out of. So I guess you don't have to stress the recipies as much as I did, there is still hope if you mess it up.
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